We see a bright future for Magento Open Source.

Technical topics

Work was on hold a bit while some of the group were busy with HyväCmp, but expect news on this front soon!

Organizational topics

The Mage-OS Association

In the last few days, we’ve been busy defining the final details to found the Mage-OS Association.
It will collect and distribute the resources to make our vision come true.

As mentioned in our previous post, we defined the initial Board of Directors.
It will include seven people (president, vice-president, treasurer, actuary, and three more members).

A Business Control Committee of two more people will review the work of the Board of Directors.

In addition, we already have committees set up and running such as:

  • Mage-OS Technical committee
  • Magento Content Resource committee

Some more forming committees will also contribute to other necessary areas, like branding, marketing, and strategy. Planning, work, and discussion on those tasks are already taking place in our Discord chat.

To set the initial board and committees, we chose people that devoted their time to the cause from the beginning. The following is an alphabetically-ordered list; we will disclose the assigned roles soon:

  • Peter Jaap Blaakmeer (NL)
  • Ryan Hoerr (US)
  • John Hughes (UK)
  • Maciej Kalkowski (PL)
  • Vinai Kopp (DE)
  • Ignacio Riesco (ES)
  • Alessandro Ronchi (IT)
  • Simon Sprankel (DE)
  • Wouter Steenmeijer (NL)
  • Thien-Lan Weber (FR)

Anyone who wants to contribute can join us on Discord (https://discord.gg/nvZDVA2NdC).

That’s all for today! Stay safe and prosper,

The Mage-OS folks