August 2023 Update

August 2023 Update

Welcome to our August progress update! Here’s what’s been happening recently around Mage-OS: Content Frontend Options Page We published a page covering frontend options available for Magento! This includes the built-in theme and variations; major alternatives; headless; and more. Check it out: The community response has been great! Several more vendors have reached…

July 2023 Update

July 2023 Update

We know many of you have been impatient to learn more about how Mage-OS is progressing, both from the organization side with our association and also from the product side with the Mage-OS distribution, so here’s a roundup of everything that we’ve been working on over the past couple of months. Mage-OS Membership In…

Magento 2.4.6 Release

Magento 2.4.6 Release

The recently-released Magento 2.4.6 (along with 2.4.5-p2, and 2.4.4-p3) is now available on all Mage-OS mirror and distribution repositories. We had to delay the release briefly because of a missing release tag on one of the upstream Magento repositories, which we reported and has since been corrected. If you’re interested in using a Mage-OS…