As we all are busy bees, a lot has been happening!

The Mage-OS community is growing!

New faces are joining the meetings and more and more people are eager to contribute. Very exciting!

Please join the fun and chime in on Discord. The volume of messages still is very manageable.

Mage-OS Distribution Repositories

The GitHub repositories forming the foundation of the independent Mage-OS distribution have been set up.

GitHub workflows automatically merge upstream changes. In case of a merge conflict, notifications are sent out and the automatic merge process is paused until the conflict is resolved by a human.

Special thanks to Daniel Sloof for creating the workflow, and Damien Retzinger as well as Vinai Kopp for helping to set them up for all the repos!

GitHub Permissions

Mage-OS GitHub access permissions and PR review rules are now enforced by Terraform. This automation helps avoid human error and eases the overall maintenance burden on contributors.

Thank you to Simon Sprankel for leading the effort, and also (in no particular order) Jakub PieńkowskiVitaliy GolomoziyAndreas Mautz, and Alexander Buch ( for contributing!


The immediate next step is to finalize CI for the nightly builds for the distribution repositories, and to set up testing.

We then are looking forward to starting accepting pull requests by the end of December 2022! Figuring out the best way to handle them will take time, so please be patient with us!

If you are interested in helping with our work in setting up the Mage-OS Distribution, please review the Path to PRs project, and join us in the #tech channel on Discord.

(Much) more soon, thanks for reading! 🙌🏻

The Mage-OS folks