Striking the balance between flexibility and power

One of the first things a customer will look at on a product is the price, using the advanced pricing options strategically market your products whether it’s with customer-specific or global discounts you have multiple options to boost sales.

Key features

  • Associate prices globally or set prices at a website level
  • Advanced pricing
    • Group price
    • Tier price
    • Special price
    • Minimum advertised price
  • Advanced pricing synchronised with product pages

Catalog / Cart Rules

Encourage customers to make purchases with personalised discounts

Utilising catalog/cart price rules can be used to increase sales and attract more customers to your site. Target specific customers with discounts that offer a large number of flexible conditions.

Key features

  • Catalog price rules
    • Set a rule with specific conditions
    • Offer promotion with a start and end date
    • Auto applied discounts
  • Cart price rules
    • Option to use various conditions for your rules
    • Create specific or automatically generated coupon codes
    • Offer free shipping

Special Prices

Display limited-time discounts which customers won’t want to miss

Urge customers to complete a purchase by triggering a limited-time price offer, by using special prices you can set a specified time period for your discount price to be available.

Key features

  • Apply a special price to individual products or multiple products e.g. with a configurable product
  • Specify a start and end date
  • Assign special prices to specific websites

Tier / Group Pricing

Efficient promotion strategy that encourages customers to purchase more

Take your marketing strategies to the next level by offering promotions dependent on how many products a customer adds to cart. Tier & Group pricing can drive customers to buy more and more.

Key features

  • Tier pricing
    • Specify the quantity in cart for the special price to apply to
    • The discount can be applied to a specific store view or customer group
    • Displays a promotional message on the product page
  • Group pricing
    • Option to set a fixed or percentage discount rate
    • Offer discounts for a specific group of customers as long as they are logged in to their accounts